September 23 8:00 pm

Hanging Gardens
Arnold Schoenberg – Book of the Hanging Gardens, Op. 15
Gustav Mahler – Symphony No. 4

Schoenberg and Mahler were close friends. Schoenberg’s Book of the Hanging Gardens, composed in 1909, is a setting of bittersweet love poems by Stefan George. It’s 1910 premiere received a lukewarm reception, but the tides turned in 1920 Paris when critics heard Schoenberg’s genius. While there is tonality in this music, you can sense that Schoenberg is leaving it behind. The chamber version of Mahler’s beloved Symphony No. 4, composed in 1900 and arranged by Erwin Stein in 1920 is a poignant pairing. The always pragmatic Schoenberg believed that such arrangements offered clarity and an affordable way to hear unknown symphonic music. Mahler, until his untimely death in 1911, remained a close friend of Schoenberg.

Katarzyna Sądej, mezzo soprano
Steven Vanhauwaert, piano
Julia Metzler, soprano
Jacaranda Chamber Ensemble
Mark Alan Hilt, conductor
